I have an urgent prophetic update that reveals a warning concerning a coming major financial collapse, which will happen very soon.
I am going to reveal all of the prophetic context behind this warning, including its connections to Europe, the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the US financial Dollar system, its Biblical prophetic connections to the end times and the prophetic timeline, what is going to happen, who it is going to target, why it is happening, WHEN it is going to happen, and my overall prophetic perspective on how to benefit from it.
If there is ever a time to pay attention, take notes, prepare, it is now – more than ever. And not only that, but I would tell everyone you know.
As always, I will include links to every publication or prophetic source mentioned in this video in the about section and comment sections for your reference.
First things first. Like every significant global prophetic event that occurs—and has occurred—it will be centered around Israel. So, it is essential to understand the context behind what is happening and why it is occurring.
Just this past Friday, beginning on the Jewish Sabbath of February 28th, a seven-planetary alignment served as an incredible prophetic sign—also occurring at the beginning of the major Muslim holiday of Ramadan.
The Biblical sign for the number 7 suggests that this is a pre-ordained appointed time marking a significant prophetic event regarding Israel.
The last time a seven planetary alignment occurred was on April 8th, 2024, during a significant solar eclipse – which is also connected to the 2017 American solar eclipse, which crossed paths forming the Hebrew letter TAV – which means, “To Mark” as a sign or an omen. This is very important to note.
In addition, 14 days later, from February 28th, a blood moon lunar eclipse will occur on March 13-14th during the Jewish festival of Purim. Purim is the celebration of the events in Esther's book.
In the book of Esther, a prophetic pattern occurs specifically with the number 7 – indicated again – a pre-ordained time marked by God for the liberation of the Jewish People. The moon in Bible prophecy symbolizes Israel, where the sun symbolizes gentile nations. So the planetary alignment, connecting the solar eclipses, to the blood moon on the Jewish festival of Purim, tells us a significant warning is being given to the gentile nations, concerning a prophetic fulfillment concerning the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.
The number 14 in the Bible also symbolizes a prophetic warning connected to famine—in our modern present time, a financial or economic collapse or trouble.
Genesis 41: God gives Pharaoh 2 dreams concerning a massive coming famine which Joseph interprets.
Genesis 41:32 says “The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon.”
In other words, the number 14 is the number 7 twice, which means God is confirming the warning of what is about to happen.
These signs are deeply connected to events relating to Europe, Russia, and the Russian Ukraine warning – again about Israel, which I will reveal even more specifically in just a moment.
On May 10th, 2021, the Lord first began to give me revelations of a major war coming concerning Europe through a series of dreams, all occurring just a week apart. These dreams foretold significant events that would unfold over Europe, England, France, Russia, China, and the United States.
On May 10th, 2021, I dreamt of Queen Elizabeth appearing before the Lord in heaven, among an entire host, in front of a water fountain.
I had no idea then, but this dream also warned about Queen Elizabeth's coming death and what sign it would serve.
The Lord told her to scoop out water from the water fountain and look into it—like a mirror and a reflection.
The Lord asked me what I saw, and I saw a sword. I had no idea what that meant, so I asked him the meaning, and he told me it was an English sword representing the coming war.
Then, on September 5th, 2021, the Jewish Festival of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year), at precisely 5:24 a.m. that morning, as I had just gotten into work, I heard the sound of a Trumpet, followed by the footsteps of a massive army marching. I listened to the word “Ararat” spoken.
Ararat is a mountain in Turkey where Noah’s Ark rested. Turkey is also associated with the coming Ezekiel 37 – 38 war of Gog and Magog which is also associated with Russia.
In addition to Mount Ararat, there is another mountain that sounds the same but is spelt differently. It is located in the South China Sea near the Philippines, suggesting that a massive war was coming with Russia and China.
I had no idea at the time, but the exact time I had this projection was a prophecy in itself, revealing the actual date of when this war would begin.
Five months later, from September, and on the 24th day, Russia launched its war against Ukraine.
After the war began, on April 15th, 2022, I had another dream which brought about another revelation about the war and a coming economic collapse involving the US Dollar.
I was watching the war in Ukraine and observing the United States and the western NATO allies continue to provide financial and military aid to Ukraine. I pondered the war's outcome—how long it would last and who would win it.
As I was thinking about this, I heard a voice say, "Watch what will happen."
Then, as I was observing the war in Ukraine, I suddenly saw the value of the US Dollar and currency began to plummet considerably, impacting the US and the Western Nato Allies in Europe.
I turned to the Middle East and Asia and saw significant oil deals in other currencies favoring other nations and their currencies. I didn’t see which countries in particular. Still, I had the foreknowledge that the OPEC countries and Saudi Arabia shifted away from the United States, completely undoing the original deals made in the 70s.
As I watched the value of the US Dollar and currency plummet, I saw the economies and currencies in the European NATO countries also begin to fall. When this happened, I saw the United States and the Western NATO allies could no longer financially support the military assistance to Ukraine.
When this happened, I saw the war in Ukraine with Russia progress aggressively, and Ukraine began to run out of supply and military aid, causing the war to shift in Russia's favor. This put the nations in great distress.
Ten days after that dream, on May 22nd, 2021, I had a second dream concerning France. I heard a woman crying out in distress. When I asked her where she was, she held up a $1 US bill and wrote the Word “Paris” on it.
And on May 17th, I had a dream, where I saw a 3rd global world war, where a man revealed to me that China had attacked the United States.
All three dreams occurred in May and were just a few weeks apart.
The month of May is when Israel was reformed as a nation, May 14th, 1948 -also suggesting a potential time frame, which I’ll reveal in more depth in a moment.
This dream reveals much more significant issues than just the Russian and Ukraine war, much bigger issues than the US economy. It shows specific events that are directly related to Israel.
September 18th, 2024, a horrific event unfolded at the UN General Assembly where essentially nearly all of Europe, including 124 nations, either voted to remove the Jews from their homeland in Israel, or abstained from voting. This deliberate act of defiance and rebellion against the Lord God and the Bible unveils massive consequences for these nations.
June 21, 2024, I was given another revelation concerning Europe, and England specifically, as to not only why Nazi Germany and WW2 occurred, but revealed why the Lord is against England – in addition to the UN vote.
He revealed a deeply rooted Pagon obsession with bloodlines concerning the throne of England and its population that go back to King Arthur. This obsession also includes replacement theology, which essentially believes that the throne of England is either descendants from the Tribe of Judah or that the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh from Joseph migrated into Europe, causing Europe to replace the nation of Israel literally.
Detailed and thorough DNA and historical tests that have disproved this horrific theory.
Scripture evidence proves throughout the Bible that God brings judgement on an idol or idols through that idol itself against the people who worship it.
God uses the 10 plagues in Exodus against the 10 idols in Egypt to bring about the Liberation of the Jewish People.

Also, Ezekiel 16:29; 38-39 when Israel idolized the Babylonians, God raises Babylon and lays siege against it and destroys Jerusalem.
Therefore, God used the idolatry and the pagan worship of racism and bloodlines, raising nazi Germany to wage war across Europe – which again, resulted in the liberation of the Jewish People in 1948.
And the UN vote proves that Europe has not repented from this idolatry and paganism, so God is about to bring further judgement against it, which will begin through the form of famine, aka, economic collapse, and plague.
This was during the Biden Administration. Since then, there has been massive inflation, government spending, and huge changes concerning the oil markets and the petrodollars, including the rise of the BRICS nations.
And now, with major news headlines, shows, and reveals, the US economy is in significant trouble.
God reveals that War will begin with Russia and Ukraine, and an economic famine will trigger the collapse of the US dollar, leading to a massive financial collapse in Europe that causes western nations to stop funding Ukraine.
When this happens, the war will shift into Russia’s favor.
On May 5th, 2022, I had another revelation through a dream. I was watching the news on TV. A map appeared on the TV, similar to the one in the picture. The areas under Russian control were yellow/orange. While watching the TV, I saw the map begin flashing or blinking, and I saw the entire country of Ukraine had been colored in. I saw the words “Russia takes Ukraine.” I was utterly shocked at what I saw.
Then the dream shifted.
I was standing in what appeared to be Moscow and in front of its capital building. I saw many Persian and Asian countries beginning to appear in Moscow, where they were coming to pay homage to Russia, where I also saw India. With them, I also saw the principality of Persia, the one spoken of from the Prophet Daniel. I saw what appeared to be new and more excellent alliances forming with Russia. I saw significant hostilities towards Americans and the United States.
Now when is this going to happen?
We are currently in the Jewish Year 5785.
The Jewish letter for the number 5 is the letter “hey” which means “to behold” or “look” indicating a massive sign that will occur. In addition to this, the number 5 in the Bible symbolizes grace. When you add up the numbers 5785, you get the number 25, which means “grace upon grace” – the number 25 is the number 5 compounded by itself.
So, I projected and predicted that Trump would win the elections. Still, it would also serve as a significant but temporary period of grace to Israel and America – giving America a small window or small period to prepare for the onslaught of disasters that are about to unfold.

In addition to the number of grace, 85 in the Hebrew concordance is the word for ABRAHAM. The number of 85 in the Greek concordance is the word ademoneo, which means to be in great distress – revealing a link to what the Bible calls the time of Jacob’s trouble, or the rising of the birthing pains – the coming distress upon the nations.

In 2020, the United States put forward a plan in favor of a two-state solution that would have divided over a combined amount of 70% of Judea and Samaria for Palestinian statehood. Joel 3:1-2 warns against the division of the land. So, 2 months later, a global pandemic occurred.
Fast forward, 2025, the United States just announced it would take over and own the Gaza Strip, although this will strengthen Jewish Sovereignty over Israel, it again is a form of the division of the Land of Israel.
Fast forward to the coming Jewish New Year of 5786, which will occur September 22-24th.
The number 6 in the Hebrew is the letter vav. In the Hebrew, vav means “hook” and is primarily associated with the concept of connection, signifying the joining of two things together, often resembles a hook or a tent peg.

Ezekiel 38:3-4 says this,
“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army—your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all brandishing their swords.”
The vav, the hook that is in the mouth of those nations, will be directly tied to Israel and what is now occurring in Europe with Ukraine.
In addition, the number 6 in the bible also symbolizes man, sin, and lawlessness.
In other words, our short time of relief or grace is about to be turned over before or leading into September. Because May is the anniversary of Israel's reformed status as a nation, we can begin seeing signs of significant economic stress in May and throughout the summer leading into September.
What will happen is they're going to crash the US dollar and replace it with another currency or at least digital forms of the US dollar.
In addition to this coming famine, we will experience another massive pandemic.
Just think about everything you would have done differently had you known COVID-19 was coming, and do those things. Do not put this off any longer, and warn everyone you know.
This is not all bad news; we need a massive correction in the markets to bring prices down and for people to afford to pay off debt and buy houses. So many of you out there, like us, have been waiting for this moment. But do not underestimate any of this, and do everything you can to take the necessary precautions, including protecting your assets and 401ks.
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