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The Tribe of Christians host Brandon Dawson, reveals a new Biblical prophetic sign that aligns with previous prophetic dreams and words from the Tribe of Christians. This sign points towards the rapture of the church, the coming Gog and Magog war, the construction of the 3rd Jewish temple, and the approaching tribulation period.

Over the last couple of weeks, you may have noticed something interesting. Gas prices have dropped and continue to do so. Two or three weeks ago, here in Charlotte, I was paying $3.60 per gallon; now, it's about $2.60-2.80 per gallon.


According to, the current national average is about 3.20 compared to a month ago at 3.43 and one year ago at about 3.87.


This is excellent news, right? Who doesn’t want more money in their pocket at the pump?


To most, this may seem like a great sign that things may be getting better, that there may be no recession, that inflation is coming down, that rate cuts are about to set in, that people can afford to repurchase a house, and that everything looks good.


But what if I told you this is, in fact, the opposite and a grave warning sign that things are about to get much, much worse? Well, at least depending on whether you are prepared or not.


Pay very close attention to everything I am about to show you because everything this is happening, and everything that is going to happen, all of it 100% has to deal with Bible Prophecy, specifically – Israel.


Fuel prices are pegged to the US Dollar through the petro-dollar transactions.


The United States economy used to be on the gold standard. After WW2, all nations worldwide were heavily in debt, and their economies went bankrupt due to the war. However, beginning with WWI, the United States started to plunder all the gold and silver during these wars, and by the end of WW2, the United States had the most gold. So, the nations came together through the Breton Woods conference and voted to deem the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency due to its stability and reliability because of all of its gold reserves.


The United States began to print notes which any person or nation could redeem back for Gold.


The Bible tells us in Isaiah 60:16 concerning the time in which God reformed the nation of Israel (which was after the events of WW1&2 in 1948)


“You will suck the milk of the Gentiles and milk the breast of kings; You shall know that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”


Also, Isaiah 61:6 says, “And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches, you will boast.”


Of course, America became the first nation to recognize Israel's sovereignty and literally fulfill Isaiah’s prophecies by loaning Israel money to rebuild its nation.


So, the wealth of America is directly tied to Israel and its relationship to Israel. Now watch this.


In the 1967 6-day war, Israel was attacked on all sides but came out victorious, resulting in securing Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.


In addition to this, Israel was attacked again in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  


As a result of America’s support of Israel, the Muslim nations began to boycott and protest against the United States by withdrawing all of their gold from the US and boycotting the oil, which led to the massive oil crises.


As a result, President Richard Nixon withdrew the United States from the gold standard. He created a new deal called the Petro-dollars – which would fund the Middle East with our weapons and military support in exchange for oil transactions being done in US Dollars. This helped to stabilize the US economy.


By the Early 1980s, Israel was beginning to go bankrupt and was extremely high in debt. Its economy was socialism. President Ronald Reagan negotiated a series of deals that not only gave Israel billions of dollars in aid but would completely restructure their economy from socialism to capitalism.


As of today, the U.S. has provided more financial assistance to Israel than all the other nations combined.


Israel is also the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. aid, more than any other nation, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.


All of this began to change on January 28th, 2020, when President Donald Trump's leadership put forward a plan known as the “Peace to Prosperity Plan” that would have attempted to officially divide the nation of Israel into a two-state solution. This deal was the closest to achieving a two-state solution, more than any other President in US History.


This completely contradicted the President's statement from 2017 acknowledging Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel – as the 2020 plan would have divided 70% of the West Bank and Jerusalem combined for Palestinian statehood.


This was the moment God removed his protection from the United States following a cascade or series of events that would lead to economic famine, civil unrest, plague, and war – war that has been occurring for over two years now in Europe and also now in Israel.


Since 2020, starting with the pandemic, there has been a series of major financial events that have begun the collapse of the American Economy – a sign of God’s judgment against the very nation that once stood for Israel.


To this very day, President Trump has never acknowledged the wrongdoing of his two-state policy and has not repented. In addition to this, the United States has moved even more aggressively against Israel and towards a two-state solution. In addition to this, not one single TV evangelist will acknowledge this. They all discuss the US Embassy's move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the Abraham Accords. Still, none of them acknowledges that Trump almost divided God’s inheritance.


So here’s what is coming next.


On September 26th, 2020, two months before the 2020 elections, our ministry was one of the few to get the 2020 presidential elections right. I had a dream that the Lord warned me of a coming Kamala Harris Presidency and that her appointment to the Presidency would be a sign of America’s collapse, literally and financially.


Four years later, she is the front-runner in the 2024 elections.


In May of 2021, I had a series of 3 prophetic dreams warning that war was coming to Europe, the United States, and even France.


On Rosh Hashanah, September 6th, 2021, on the Jewish New Year, I had a vision of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the coming war of Gog and Magog, which predicted the very day when the invasion would take place.


That vision occurred at 5:24 that morning. Five months from September, on the 24th day, Russia invaded Ukraine, February 24th, 2022.


On April 5th, 2022, I had another vision. I asked the Lord how the war would end. In that vision, I saw a series of financial oil deals that eliminated the original petrodollar systems and favored other nations.


This led to the plummeting of the US Dollar and coincided with an economic collapse in the US. The US and Western alliances could no longer afford the Ukraine war and stopped supplying Ukraine with aid. This led to Ukraine's surrender to Russia. Once this happened, Russia took control of Ukraine, and new alliances formed between Russia, Iran, and China, which became the alliances Ezekiel mentioned concerning the war of Gog and Magog.


So far, all of this has been coming to pass. Various news outlets report Saudi Arabia’s failure to renew the petro-dollar deals.


There was never really an official deal that legally enforced this deal other than tariffs. But over the last three years, we have witnessed Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, and other nations trading oil in currencies other than the US dollar, the majority of these deals highly favoring China.


We have also seen the rise of the BRICS alliances, with these nations dumping billions of dollars in US treasures—which is how we finance our economy—through debt that is sold in bonds and treasuries.


So if countries are no longer buying our debt and if these nations are no longer using dollars in oil transactions, what happens to all of that debt and to all those dollars?


They come right back to the United States, which leads to hyperinflation.


The only thing holding the dollar afloat was oil and high interest rates. Now, these rates are plummeting, and the US Dollar Index is also plummeting. Our currency is backed by nothing.


The dollar has dropped almost 5% in value in one year, and when the Fed cuts these rates, the dollar will plummet further.


I believe this coincides again with Bible Prophecy because we know a new global currency is invented and controlled digitally by the Mark of the Beast.


As soon as the US economy crashes, they’ll already have the answer in the form of the CDB—Central Digital Banking System.


It has already happened before; the pandemic was the trial run, and they proved that these things could be done, and now the real thing is coming.


Just like the end of WW2, WW3 will usher in the 3rd Jewish Temple along with a new global reserve currency and the antichrist beast government.


Some of you guys are saying, wait a second, what about if Trump wins….


Trump was the catalyst for nearly dividing the nation of Israel; he was the catalyst for the COVID-19 vaccines, and to this day, he has yet to acknowledge it, but he still takes credit for all of it. So, if anything, he will most likely excel and speed up the process rather than prevent it from occurring. So either way, it’s coming—Harris or Trump.


We don’t have to fear this because God is faithful to His promises. All of these events should encourage us to believe in God’s faithfulness. And if God has proved Himself faithful time and time again, we know that He is about to fulfill His promises to both Israel and the Church.


Which means the rapture of the church is just around the corner.

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